Seriously, what do you know about Finland? Maybe you heard it’s the happiest place on earth with the best medical care? Did you know it’s European Green Capital? Did you know the university offers a technology, environmental science, business, tourism and hospitality, bachelor in education, social services and health care?
How to get around? Direct trains to St. Petersburg and Moscow, Helsinki, and rest of Europe. If you have a fascination to travel, this is a great opportunity within ‘safe’ Europe — largely free of COVID and any other harmful characters out there.
This university offers rolling admissions, low tuition, scholarships and good job opportunity after graduation. What’s not to like? Well, it gets dark 2 months out of the year. Very dark — where the sun doesn’t shine. But then that’s in the northern region, so don’t go there unless you want to experience it.
We are here to help ‘pave the way’ to European & UK study. Sure, there are unknowns at the moment regarding study during COVID — but we can help answer these. Hope to hear from you soon, and in the meantime — study up on reindeer!
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